
Google, the world’s largest search engine, announces opening of Artificial Intelligence Lab in Bangalore, targeting to reach 3 lakh villages

New Delhi: Google, the world’s largest search engine, has expressed its willingness to work closely with the government and industries to promote Artificial Intelligence (AI) digital labs in Bangalore, moving towards India. Google, the world after Microsoft, it is the second major company to announce the launch of AI Lab in India.

So far, the company has trained 80 thousand people, and is expected to reach 3 lakh villages by the year 2019.

Google has linked Tamil, Telugu and Marathi languages with Google Search, Indic and Google Lens where in future, Google Discover 7 will be available in other languages too.

Significantly, Hindi has become the second largest language in the world for Google. It is believed that more than 8 lakh children are taking advantage of this app. In addition, Google is also planning to strengthen the digital library by contacting with local publishers.

So far 28 thousand village children are taking advantage of this app.

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